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The cutlery such as knives, daggers, swords etc., occupy a separate place and importance in the lives of people, human communities and nations. These tools previously made of different materials and used as the cutting tools have been made of iron and steel and have become indispensable objects of attack and defense over time.

Undoubtedly the swords make up the most advanced type of the cutlery. For this reason, they firstly remind of the war and the wars. It is known there are hundreds of swords developed by different nations and that some swords were made very special. Also the “Zulfiqar” identified with the name of Hadarath Ali, the fourth Caliph of the Islamic religion ranks among the most famous swords known in the history.

Zulfiqar used by Hadarath Ali in many wars he has attended and the swords of Zulfiqar developed in this context have been used as a symbol of Islam, Alawi-Bektashi belief, belligerence, bravery, Akhism and brotherhood in the Islamic world (especially among Turks) throughout the historical period left behind.

In this article, the unifying and integrating aspects of the scripts and portraits on the swords of Zulfiqar for the humans of different beliefs and opinions today are being emphasized.


Sword, Hadarath Ali, Zulfiqar, the swords of Zulfiqar, Akhism, tolerance and brotherhood.


Taş, H. (2020). Ortak kültürel öge: Zülfikar. BUGU Dil ve Eğitim Dergisi, 1(1), 71-84.

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